Duration: 2023-2025 Smart Charging ALignment for Europe SCALE will enable and facilitate the mass deployment...

SCALE (H2020-101056874)
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Duration: 2023-2025 Smart Charging ALignment for Europe SCALE will enable and facilitate the mass deployment...
Duration: 2025-2028 The overarching goal of PATH2ZERO is to advance the transition towards a net-zero,...
Duration: 2023-2025 As part of the NHSOS project, pilot actions are being implemented in Chalki,...
Duration: 2021-2024 modUlaR and flexible solutions for urBAN-sIzed Zero-Emissions last-mile Delivery and...
Duration: 2021-2024 The main objective of the ELEKTRON project is the establishment of a Lab of Excellence,...
Duration: 2021-2024 NEMO "New and Flexible Forms of Electromobility in the South Aegean" NEMO Project...